Future Of Online Casinos

With online casinos having recently witnessed huge growth, We’ve taken a look at the top trends in online casinos in 2020 and listed them below.

Within an incredibly short time, there’s been a massive rise in the igaming sector, making it one of the most popular game verticals in the globe. The popularity of gaming platforms, new slots sites and online casinos has increased more than ever done before, and the industry is benefiting from a lot of technological evolution and innovation.

Future on Online Casinos. These are the currencies that are very much safe and have gained a level and some regulatory powers by the government. Ergo, this is a reason why Cryptocurrency is very much attractive and good for the business of online casino games. One of the most important things that you should know is that they do not have to.

  1. However, why use it in the world of online gaming? There’s a myriad of reasons, from its quick transactions, according to Forbes, to its safety, according to AVG. Let’s take a look at five reasons why the future of online casinos could very well be looking towards cryptocurrencies. A principal need innate in all humans is security.
  2. Final Thoughts on the Future of Online Casinos In the near future, you’ll come across VR, crypto, new table games and skill-based games a lot more in casinos. So, get ready for the change (don’t go making any investments just yet, though)!

The industry is one that will keep advancing, thanks to its nature. This may be caused by the churning out of more innovative and engaging titles, alterations in the regulations that are guiding gaming or integration in new technologies. The online casino industry is currently growing into a multi-billion dollar one, and the key trends that are driving and shaping this growth are explained below.

Blockchain Casinos


Though most of the leading online casinos prefer to go with e-wallets, debit and credit cards, and other conventional payment methods, there’s been an emergence of several dedicated Bitcoin and crypto online casinos in 2020. The advantages and potentials of the crypto and blockchain technology have been embraced by the gaming industry, so these technologies and online casino gaming have gone into a relationship that looks very promising.

As the new crop of online casinos that are gracing the market continue to accept payments with cryptocurrencies like litecoin, ethereum, and bitcoin, account owners enjoy more variety when it comes to payment methods, and this will increase the appeal of online casinos.

Future Of Online Casinos

The demand for online casino sites developed on the open ledger decentralized platforms like the blockchain technology is also increasing. Both the industry and the consumers will enjoy the benefits of this technology and it will ensure anonymity, transparency, and boost the processing speed for transactions.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Talking about advanced technology, both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are beginning to take a central place in the gaming industry. VR is actually making faster and deeper inroads into all of the online gaming industry.

Augmented Reality makes the gaming environment more advanced by blending special effects and images with the gameplay, as made popular by the game Pokémon go. The meaning of this for online casino games is increased immersion, possible 360-degree views of the gaming environment, and an increase in the possible social interaction between players.

VR is more advanced than AR and offers more extensive immersion capabilities. There are already some VR poker games on some gaming platforms, and they can be played on streaming platforms like Steam for the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. The benefit of VR is not only to enhance the gaming environment, but the tech also develops an entirely new gaming environment for the player and that places it in pole position to bring in the huge transformation to the gaming industry. The only loophole here is that the VR hardware is not easily affordable. So, a big part of the gaming audience cannot afford it for now.

Mobile Casinos

Online Casinos For Us Players

As far as gaming in 2020 is concerned, mobile gaming has been the center of the show. The medium has grown very popular, with more people using mobile smartphones and other mobile devices now than ever before. While the classic game titles like Call of Duty: Mobile and PUBG Mobile grew in popularity, an increase in the use of mobile apps was also witnessed.

Online casino gaming benefits so much from the mobile medium, because it gives players the chance to enjoy uninterrupted gameplay no matter the location. Currently, it’s difficult to find a leading casino platform without at least one iOS or Android app for mobile gaming. For many years now, this trend has been growing, but with the increase in the penetration and proliferation of smartphones across the globe, it’s about hitting its highest point.

Live Dealer Games

Although gamers of today enjoy playing high speed and high tech game variants that you can only enjoy in the virtual world, most of the gamers are embracing the live dealer titles in their preferred casinos. In the live dealer games, the appeal and atmosphere of the land-based casinos are blended with the online experience, and this gives players the opportunity to enjoy the same incredible live dealer experiences in poker, blackjack, and roulette games in Las Vegas and other gaming centers of the world, from the comfort of their homes anywhere in the world.

When the gaming industry started hitting the mainstream at the initial stage, the popularity of live dealer games tanked because of the launch of more innovative titles. However, the vertical is turning into a strong trend in the current year, and we may be seeing the integration of advanced tech like VR into live dealer games to offer a more innovative experience.

Future Of Online Casinos

Plenty of New Innovations in the Age of Technology

New technology developments continue to expand the realms of possibility of all industries, not just gambling. It touches every corner of our lives, but the medium we interface the most with modern technology is through smartphones. Gambling operators around the world have been pouring money into emerging markets for the purpose of establishing a foothold in the smartphone gaming markets. In this article, we’ll take a close look at the top trends expected to come from gambling over the next few years.

Cryptocurrency Betting

In 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto (the alias used for the individual, or group, behind the creation of bitcoin) released the monumental bitcoin white paper outlining a new type of technology that could enhance the way trust and verifiability are established online. The blockchain technology underlying bitcoin provided unlimited opportunities for the creation of virtual currency, and fast-forward to today, tens of thousands of software developers across the world are working tirelessly to perfect the algorithms powering new and creative variants of that original blockchain.

Betting companies, e-commerce, and capital markets have all been interfaced with cryptocurrencies. In fact, their usage is so widespread that in late 2018 a surge in the value of bitcoin sent the world into a panic frenzy to buy up vast quantities of the virtual currency. Around this time gambling firms across Asia had begun taking deposits from bitcoin, but progress towards this end has been slow in western countries – and continues to be stifled by lawmakers and regulations. The relatively de-regulated east has seen a rapid expansion of cryptocurrency betting, and unlike in the west, there are few limitations or identity confirmation protocols required. You can find a list of the best bitcoin casinos if you want to bet with this currency but still be protected by the UKGC and know that you’re on a legal site.

The main problems facing this thriving part of the betting industry is their shady connections to the criminal underworld and the ease at which cryptocurrencies are simply used as a vehicle to launder money through gambling companies’ balance sheets. It is this exact problem that regulators in Europe and North America are so paranoid. Cryptocurrency gambling in the future will have to adapt, and have enforceable mechanisms of verifying the identity of the person depositing the funds.

Smartphone Gambling Apps

The previous 10 years have witnessed an unprecedented shift in the behavior of humans using technology. We are now so close to the entire knowledge of humankind through a smartphone that one could even make the argument that humans have shifted in an evolutionary sense to part human, part machine.

But enough of the abstract and philosophical ideas, the future of gambling fully depends on the continuation of mobile gambling applications that are fully optimized to play on mobile devices. We are certainly looking towards India and Asia in this regard. Both regions have an enormous population of smartphone users, all with access to cheap data-usage plans, with a surging demand to enjoy new social liberties through gambling. Meeting this demand is something that betting companies all over the world are focused on, and investment is pouring into these emerging markets, as software developers churn out newly cooked up gambling games to deploy to the masses.

Along with wearable technology, smartphones are making it easier than ever before to access online gambling platforms wherever you are in the world. Operators will continue to streamline these processes and will continue to increase the proportion of development investment they put into their mobile apps, as appose to the desktop equivalent.

For the top mobile and tablet casinos, click here to our full list. Or, if you are looking to see downloadable mobile apps, then we also have a page for those!

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things is one of the most exciting emergent forces in gambling technology. The power of IoT is truly something that technologists around the world are getting vocal about. In its essence, all devices with an internet connection will “talk to each other” sharing data in order to streamline processes in daily human life. Refrigerators are able to detect when they are getting empty and place orders for more online shopping to be delivered automatically, for example.

These advancements have huge ramifications for the future of casino industry. Especially in slot machines, this technology has the power to truly personalize the gambling experience of the user – with automatic preferences and personal setting updated for the player as he walks around and plays the various games at the future of casinos IoT powered gambling. As an industry analyst says, “IoT has the potential to totally blow up the world of virtual slot play. To put it simply, the internet of things makes machine-to-machine communication possible. It will allow us to connect devices that don’t normally go online to a network.”

The internet of things is a very exciting area within the future of technology, and we’ll be paying very close attention to how this develops. There are certainly possibilities for an enhancement of the platform of online gaming with real-life casinos, and harmonization of this process will be a welcomed addition of any casino gambling experience. The market for IoT technology has already broken the $100bn revenue threshold, and it certainly isn’t going to start slowing down anytime soon. Casinos have long been pioneers of new technology and creating better online gambling experience through the IoT process would be a sure way to ensure its continued growth trajectory.

VR Gambling

Virtual reality has already changed the landscape of movies, gaming, and simulation training – and casinos are firmly looking for ways to introduce this revolutionary technology into their own ecosystems. VR and augmented reality technology are by far one of the most exciting innovations to come out of the last decade’s hardware developments. These devices have the capability to put you right into the center of the action. Customers could potentially be teleported into the floor of the world’s most famous casinos, interfacing with their online gambling accounts but feeling as if they were sitting at the poker table alongside some of the best poker stars in the world. The possibilities for reimagining the gambling experience with virtual reality are truly staggering.

It is without a doubt one of the most anticipated technologies in the world at the moment. With interest coming from a variety of sectors, people are becoming incredibly excited by the future possibilities of virtual reality. The iGaming sector has been aware of this potential for some time now and has already spoken of how the future of online gambling and virtual reality will be inextricably linked. In the next few years, we will undoubtedly witness a massive push on the virtual reality capabilities of the world’s largest casinos. Imagine being able to attend live races and tournaments from the comfort of your own home.

Future Of Online Casinos Slots

Gambling Online in the Aftermath of COVID-19online gambling has survived the worst of it and is now flourishing from the surge in demand for the online products.

If virtual reality technology, communication with the platforms and integration with third-party apps are to truly enhance the capabilities of future online gambling platforms, then this pandemic has truly served as a fantastic staging area for the changes coming down the track. Whilst the pandemic has been terrible too for sport, advancements in virtual sports and esports betting have stepped in to fill the gap of real sports and protect the future of betting. Online gambling remains a solid industry, with continuous improvement capability, growing customer satisfaction, and a drive to meet the demand in untapped areas of the world, the future of gambling will be prosperous.

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